jueves, 24 de marzo de 2022


"¿Porqué tengo que vivir? ¿Porqué tengo que hacer algo? ¿Existe en la vida algún propósito que no sea anulado y destruido por la muerte inevitable que me espera?" 

León Tolstoi (1904) 

"Todos nosotros vemos la naturaleza a través de la lente de nuestras ideas preconcebidas"

David Myers 

Citado por Alexander Strauffon

“Pocas veces pensamos en lo que tenemos, pero siempre en lo que nos falta”.

Arthur Schopenhauer

miércoles, 9 de marzo de 2022

you look lonely, i can fix that... (1 hour loop)

 "To the person who read this,

It’s been hard for you, I know, and it makes me sad that you don’t see yourself in the way I see you. Sometimes they are things in life that cause us to loose ourselves, and the way you have is so unimaginable painful. I miss your smile, the way your eyes light up the whole room just by the sound of your laughter. I miss the way you accepted the way you look in the mirror without cursing yourself out about how ugly you look. I miss the way you didn’t think of yourself as a failure because everyone makes mistakes, we all have flaws and we all aren’t perfect. It’s painful to see that no one around you seems to see the pain trough your eyes, but, stranger, I do, I see how heavy your heart is and how comforting the sadness for you might be, how afraid your heart is of happiness because it disappears in the end, right? You don’t know how much impact you have in this world and it’s sad to see that your demons fight against you and want to take over you. Because you do make change, it’s something so simple and little that brightens up someone’s whole world, it can be a small smile from your lips, the way you look at things you’re passionate about, the way you make yourself eat even though it’s been hard for you lately, the way you zoom out and go in your own world, you brighten up my world by reading this, it means a lot to me that you’re here, existing, but I don’t want you to just exist, you deserve to feel alive. You deserve to get up in the morning and feel good about yourself. You deserve to feel something- to feel every damn second alive in this lifetime. It’s heartbreaking that you think you’re not capable of being loved, because you are, I love you trough all my words and I hope you let it happen in your heart. Love is scary, I know, maybe you heart had been broken once and since then you wanted to be rather numb than feel ever again, it hurts me how you punish yourself, does it not deserve love? Because YOU DO deserve love, please forgive yourself, it’s not your fault that the demons want to take over your beautiful heart. You’re not a bad person for distancing yourself from others, but you deserve someone to talk to, you deserve someone to listen. I am listening, you can tell me what’s wrong. It’s everything, isn’t it? There’s something pulling your heartstrings on the ground and no one seems to understand how misunderstood you feel, it’s heartbreaking to know that I am behind the screen and can’t give you a hug, that’s why I will give you a big warm virtual hug and send you lots of love :). You matter. You are worthy. You are loved. You deserve good things. You deserve someone to listen. You deserve to eat and drink. You deserve to feel good and alive. You deserve to smile. You deserve a hug. You deserve to be all the things you want to be, because you deserve to have and feel good things happening to you and have a fulfilled life. I know I might not know you personally but I care about you so much, I write this because I want you to stay here with me, I want you to hold on a little longer because you matter so much to me, because I will not let you give up on yourself. I want you to see that you should not give up on yourself because you DESERVE GOOD THINGS. I want you to look back on the time when you were a kid, you didn’t give up when you tried to swim for the first time, you didn’t give up when you tired to walk for the first time and fell, you never gave up on yourself, you always kept on pushing forwards, so why can’t you now? I know it’s tiring, your mentally tired, but dont your younger self deserve good things? look back at your eyes that used to be full of hope, look back on those dreams. Don’t let yourself fall, you deserve better. We will both fight, I will fight for you. I won’t let those demons get to you. You can hold on to me, I won’t let you down :). Whenever you feel lonely, then look at the sky, I always look at it and think about you. Yes, you, because it makes me happy that there’s someone looking right back, maybe we can’t see each other but I can feel your presence here with me and that’s enough for me, because I am glad your heart is beating and you’re still fighting. You’re so much stronger thank you think, you didn’t leave your spot on this earth even if you wanted to, you belong here, even though it doesn’t feel like it, when you don’t feel like belonging than build your own home here, put all your love in it and dreams. Think of you as a star when you feel alone, you shine because your heart is good, no matter what mistake you made, no matter about the past you had, you’re one of the stars that shine bright in the universe because you’re heart is beautiful, that’s why the demons in your mind wants to have it. As one of the stars you see others stars, maybe they have felt the same way as you do at some point in there life, but they lighten up the universe with each other’s presence. You’re a star for me, maybe you don’t see it yourself but I can see it, you’re beautiful from inside and out, your body is beautiful the way it is. You make me happy by reading this, you make me feel something by your presence and when you can make me feel that way than you also make other people feel that way about you too. I hope you stay for yourself and don’t let your story get written by others but by yourself, it’s your story not theirs. As you can see, I say a lot of “I hope” because I have hope for you even if you don’t have it for yourself, I see hope in you even though you might want to give up. That’s why I hope you won’t see the world in darkness and will see it colorful again, I hope I will give you a glimpse of hope and make the world you see a bit colorful for today. My favorite color is yellow, and I hope the next time you see the color yellow you will think about my words. If someone left you than don’t blame yourself, don’t think you weren’t enough, don’t lower yourself for someone who couldn’t see the awesomeness in you. If you lost someone I am so sorry for your loss, they want you happy, I hope you don’t feel guilty or regret because you were there, you spend enough time with them, they want you to be happy. They are in a good and safe place now. If someone broke your heart than I am so sorry that they couldn’t see the way you look so beautiful because of the heart you have. Anyone who gets to be with you, doesn’t know how fucking lucky he/ she/ they is :). If you aren’t accepted at home or in general than I am so sorry that you have to deal with someone/ something you shouldn’t be ashamed of, I accept you and support you, I accept you as a human being no matter what race, religion, nationality, skin color, or sexuality you have. You’re safe here with me :). You’re not useless, you’re not a burden to anyone. You’re not a problem, you’re human and your feelings are valid. You’re not being dramatic. Please don’t starve yourself, you deserve food and to drink, I know it’s hard. It hurts to see that you’re in so much pain :( you deserve so much man, don’t let your emotions control you. Don’t let them get the best of you. I am sorry no one is noticing, I wish /hope I could take your pain away for today or even for a moment while you’re reading this. If no one told you, I am so proud of you, you’re reading this and it’s enough for me to be proud of you because you’re here and that’s all that matters to me. If it’s night for you, go to sleep, I know it’s hard to fall asleep right now but you deserve a good sleep. If you have nightmares, please, don’t let them fight you. If it’s day for you, don’t start it by such sad music, I know it’s impossible to have a good day with such mindset but take baby steps, start by drinking two cups of water everyday in the morning and so on.. You will start building little healthy habits. If it’s evening for you, you’re probably overwhelmed and stressed, I want you to know it’s okay to feel the way you feel. You don’t need to be scared, of course you’re overwhelmed or stressed, I mean who wouldn’t? But it’s important to know that when you feel that way you should do a little self care, such as taking a bath for example? You deserve to feel at ease and relaxed. And if you are somewhere in between I hope you know that you’re so strong for breathing despite the pain, I know you will make it :) I believe in you. All I want for you is to stay here, I really mean all my words, even if there is a lot of unsaid things I want to tell u and my text is getting longer and longer,I want you here. I hope one day your smile will become a genuine one where you don’t need to fake it anymore, because I can’t say this enough, you deserve a good smile and to feel alive. You’re worth more than every fucking cent in this world. You can let go for today, I got you, you can cry your heart out as much as you want, but don’t let it tear you down and let your emotions control you by giving up. Crying is not weakness. If you still feel alone I dedicate you a song as your friend. “Dusk till Dawn- Zayn feat. Sia (I prefer the slow version)” I hope you can think of me and will remind yourself of my words, I will for sure think of you. In case no one told you and you’re unsure yourself, you’re a good person and I am so happy you’re here. I hope this is enough to stay today, tomorrow will be a new day, a new start, let go now. Enough with beating yourself up for today, okay? Life for those who couldn’t, smile for those who forgot what a genuine smile is, love like there’s no other, hug like its your last one. If you read all of it, until tomorrow my friend :) have a good day and great years. I love you so much and am so proud of you, I hope you will remember my words- becho, the stranger that cares more about you than anything :)"

Thank you for that, becho.

martes, 8 de marzo de 2022

Guerra Rusia vs Ucrania - Mi postura

 Después de un mes de bloqueo en Facebook, tras el cual he estado expresando mi posición política con respecto a la guerra Ruso-ucraniana en otras redes sociales, creo necesario explayarme con más detalle sobre mi verdadera posición frente al conflicto. Como anarco-comunista, antifascista y anti capitalista, mi posición no se puede simplificar con el término "pro-ruso" simplemente porque considero que las guerras entre Estados benefician a unos pocos en detrimento de las vidas de millones de inocentes, y que las ideologías en juego no pueden ni deben ser simplificadas y reducidas a blanco y negro, rojo o azul. Sin embargo, ante la clara amenaza incipiente que se viene gestando con el avance del neonazismo en ucrania, alimentado por las potencias desestabilizadoras de Estados Unidos y la Unión Europea, sí que es necesario al menos realizar un esfuerzo para develar lo que realmente está pasando en términos geopolíticos. Después de dedicar un montón de horas escuchando a historiadores, analistas y pseudoperiodistas de ambos lados del cerco mediático que se desgarran las vestiduras tratando de inclinar la balanza de la opinión pública en su favor, explicar los verdaderos sentimientos que me movilizan a decantarme a favor de las Repúblicas Populares y el derrocamiento por la fuerza de los ultra-nacionalistas ucranianos me parece muy necesario. Me parece que ninguna nación o coalición de naciones (léase OTAN) debería conquistar la hegemonía político-económica-militar, porque eso se traduciría en aún menos libertades, y en definitiva, en aún menos alternativas para lograr un equilibrio social diverso y multicultural. Por eso es que, esgrimiendo éstos valores, no podría decirse que soy "pro-ruso". Porque todos sabemos lo autoritario y déspota que es Putin. Pero, ¿Cuántos en realidad saben lo que pasa entre los altos mandos ucranianos? Un velo de Fake News y falso sentimentalismo pacifista desvía la atención del centro del conflicto. Es precisamente ese lugar la Zona Cero en la que tenemos que dirigir nuestras investigaciones. Partiendo de que el mismo presidente ucraniano es un actor de televisión, las milicias neonazis recibieron entrenamiento de la CIA y francotiradores asesinaron gente de ambos lados de las protestas en el Euromaidán para derrocar al anterior presidente (que dicho sea de paso era un títere de Moscú) en un claro atentado de falsa bandera. Si todo esto te suena a conspiranoia te dejo el link de un video de Cuellilargo, un tipo que explica y presenta las pruebas de lo anterior dicho desde un punto de vista ácrata con el cual me siento completamente identificado.


Por otra parte, huelga decir que me genera una tremenda incomodidad analizar tan a fondo éste conflicto en particular sabiendo que hay un montón de guerras en éste preciso instante al que no le prestamos atención simplemente porque las cámaras apuntan en otra dirección. Porque los pueblos, según éste sistema, pareciera que se clasifican en escalas de valores de acuerdo a su color de piel o nivel adquisitivo. Por eso se multiplica por mil el sentimiento de asco que me produce escuchar cómo se condena tanto a Rusia desde occidente cuando los muertos de esas autoproclamadas naciones ejemplares ya no entran debajo de ninguna alfombra. Porque las poblaciones de esas autoproclamadas naciones ejemplares ya ni siquiera se indignan cuando ven a un niño flotando boca abajo en el mar. La lógica mercantilista que etiqueta y pone precio a las vidas de acuerdo a su color de ojos es algo tan macabro y digno de cualquier manual de segregación y supremacía, que supera hasta las atrocidades de los nazis. Estamos hablando de millones de desplazados e invisibilizados que suponen un problema para cualquier Estado del bienestar. Europa y Norteamerica son racistas y manipulan a las masas haciéndoles creer que están del lado del progreso, de la paz y de la humanidad. Pero la realidad resulta ser todo lo contrario.

Los ricos son internacionales y globalistas, no tienen patria. Les pagan a los cerdos para que cuiden sus corrales. Yo no quiero ser ni perro ni oveja.

Hoy me preguntaron si es posible un mundo sin fronteras teniendo en cuenta que el ser humano está configurado históricamente para guerrear. Mi respuesta:

"Yo creo que un mundo sin fronteras es posible, pero deberíamos cambiar estructuralmente desde los cimientos la forma en la que percibimos el medio ambiente, al vecino e incluso a nosotros mismos. Ya que como decís, competir pareciera estar anclado a nuestro ADN, pero ayudar también y es ahí donde hay que hacer hincapié".

Para mi sorpresa, dije algo muy parecido a la reflexión de Maria Montessori que aparece al final del video que dejé más arriba:

"Todo el mundo habla de paz, pero nadie educa para la paz, la gente educa para la competencia y ese es el principio de cualquier guerra. Cuando eduquemos para cooperar y ser solidarios unos con otros, ese día estaremos educando para la paz".